Megan Charney
Megan grew up in a small farm town in rural southwest Ohio, where both sides of her family have lived for generations. Her favorite memories from her small town are bonfires and Friday night football games ("Friday Night Lights") where she was a cheerleader all 4 years of high school. Upon graduating high school, she was accepted into The Ohio State University and majored in consumer affairs and minored in business.
Upon graduating from Ohio State, Megan made the big move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in entertainment and has spent the last 13 years overseeing branded integrations within American Idol, America's Got Talent, The Price is Right, Let's Make a Deal, and Family Feud. She is also a member of the Academy of Reality Television. She and her husband are also a husband/wife producing team and currently have a feature documentary in the film festival circuit and are in co-production on a docu-series they created. Her current title is Executive Producer at High Water Productions.
Megan and her husband Richard have 3 kids, Arabella/Everly/Beckham, and were so excited to plant roots here in AZ during the pandemic (Richard's native state). In her spare time, she serves as homeroom mom for her kids' classrooms and pours her heart into her organization Autism Sibling Advocates (@autismsiblingadvocates), which she started in light of her younger brother who has autism with high support needs. In addition to providing support for individuals with autistic siblings, Megan also created the S.O.H.N.I program, which stands for "Siblings of High Needs Individuals", created to provide extra support to youth at K-12 schools who have high needs siblings at home. She is so excited for the journey ahead and can't wait to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
To schedule an appearance, contact:
Mrs. Arizona America Director
Diane Ritter