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Diane Ritter is the brains, the brawn, and the beauty behind Arizona America Pageant Productions. Her strong passion is helping women to fulfill their goals and dreams. This has been the base that has built Arizona America Pageants, producers of the Mrs. Arizona, Miss Arizona American, and Mrs. Arizona American Pageants. During her tenure with Mrs. America, Diane had the privilege of also producing the same pageants in the state of Utah and remains Co-Director of those pageants. Since 1994 her focus has remained strong and the formula has proved more than a little successful. Contestants from both states consistently place in the Top Ten and as Top Five finalists at the Mrs. America Pageant. In 1999, Mrs. Utah America, Starla Stanley, not only won the title of Mrs. America but went on to capture the crown of Mrs. World later that year. In 2006, Diane Tucker, Mrs. Arizona America, won the coveted crown as well. 

Diane continues to promote within the pageants the importance of community service and her contestants log hundreds of service hours annually. In the spirit of giving back to the communities that so generously support the program, Arizona America Pageant Productions also produces its’ annual fundraiser, “Denim & Dreams” involving all contestants and former titleholders. “The message we present is clear,” states Ritter, “this is not a vanity driven event.” Eighty percent of the women who enter are first time participants. There is no set profile or professional criteria required. A typical contestant ranges in age from 19 to 72. She may be a stay-at-home mom, teacher, real estate agent, or doctor. They enter to fulfill goals and dreams…… “The pageant simply provides a forum for women to train and develop themselves in whatever path they choose.”

“It’s pretty simple,” states Ritter, “When we lose the ability to dream, we lose the ability to strive for anything, to move forward, to progress and do positive things.” Diane is committed to providing a vehicle for women to be whoever and accomplish whatever they say is possible.


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